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Monday, September 18

The internet generation

The other morning I woke at 6:00 AM to the sounds of someone clicking on my computer in my home office. I crawled out of bed and walked into my office to find my 5 year old son on the internet playing a spongebob game at www.nick.com. How in the world did he logon to the internet AND find spongebob, I thought to myself. I have never shown him how, or so I thought.

I asked him how he got on the internet and he said, "I watched you and did the same thing". I was amazed at his ability, at 5, to learn by imitating. We are all teachers when we realize that someone is always watching us, at work, or on the bus, or at the mall, or at home, etc...

What lessons are YOU teaching?

I was also curious how he found Spongebob and I hit the back button. He simply kept clicking on advertisments that appealed to him until it finally took him to www.nick.com. Advertising to your audience is very powerful, even for a 5 year old.


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